Friday 4 May 2012

2210: The Collapse? - National Geographic

I would have to say that "2210: The Collapse?" is a very different kind of documentary than what I'm usually used to seeing. This is a documentary completely based on assumptions and ideas, not really having anything solid to stand on alone. It's a great concept, imagining our fallen civilization and what would happen next. But I think that it may have gone a little far in terms of portraying our world. Right off the bat, it starts off by showing us our planet in all of it's wasteland glory. I have to admit however, it's kind of cool and surreal to see it presented like that. One of the interviews with Jared Diamond, the author of "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed", are especially insightful as he goes on to discuss the reasons why past civilizations such as Greek and Roman had crumbled. From this knowledge, we can then begin to understand and map out how our very own civilization would fall as well. What I have a hard time grasping however, are these "descendants" or these supposed "survivors". Who's to say there would be any survivors? Who's to even say that our planet would even make it through such a catastrophe? It's an interesting way of looking at it but again, that's all it really is, just one way of looking at it. In my opinion, it's excellent visually and it's also written well. The interviews are too, interesting to listen to as well. I would definitely recommend this documentary to others, it keeps you interested all the way to the end and sparks question and thought, just what you'd want from a documentary!

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