Friday 4 May 2012

"Frozen Planet" - Discovery

"Frozen Planet" is another interesting and wonderful documentary featured on the Discovery Channel. What I really liked about this documentary is how it doesn't just focus on one subject alone but many different ones. There's a great variety of animals, from little polar bear cubs to caterpillars with anti-freeze in their veins. Also other things such as the birth and formation of an iceberg and never before seen footage of a saltwater icicle being formed. It makes you realize how many different occurrences and types of species there are in the Arctic, something that I, myself, was not entirely aware of. It really captures nature's majestic power as well as its fragility, showing us such things as the clever hunting techniques killer whales use to knock seals into the sea. "Frozen Planet" is just an overall astounding documentary to watch. It really makes you aware of what goes on and makes you appreciate the kind of world that the Arctic is. Animals have it rough, trying to compete against the unpredictable climate and not to mention all the predictors lurking around. What's really impressed me about this documentary however, is all the stunning footage they've been able to get. 
When you start to think about how they must have filmed everything, the mind just boggles. These animals are obviously not trained, there is no set up prepared. They literally have to wait for the opportune moment, and when they do, they are able to capture some of the most beautiful shots of these animals imaginable. I continue to be amazed with Discovery's documentaries, they definitely know what they're doing. "Frozen Planet" is very much worth the watch, it will amaze you!

This is just one example of how they've wonderfully captured Killer Whales:

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