Thursday 3 May 2012

"Kidnapped" - CBC's The Fifth Estate

Before watching this episode of "The Fifth Estate: Kidnapped", I thought, "seriously? People still kidnap others for ransom? Who does that anymore?". So I was a little more than just shocked that kidnapping still happens on this grand of a scale. It's not that I think that it never happens, I just don't understand how kidnappers especially, are under the impression that they can get away with it in today's world. This story focuses on 23 year old Graham McMynn, who was kidnapped and held for ransom in 2006. 

You'd think that this was just a basic retelling of events, but I have to say, I don't like the way that the CBC have chosen to execute this story. It almost feels as if they are using crime as entertainment. I can see the potential story behind it and it is in fact a good one at that, although it takes these events, in this case, Graham being kidnapped and taken away, and treats it in a bogus manner rather than having us grasp the gravity of it. In my opinion, it's just not as serious as it should be. There is a rather large emphasis put on the interactive aspect of the show, where the viewers are encouraged to get onto the website and let each other know what they would do if they were in the same situation as Graham. 
I think incorporating interactiveness is a great thing, but it really does not belong in "The Fifth Estate". Despite all of this, it's still a good watch to those who can look past the corny narration and poor taste. There are dramatic reenactments and interviews as well as the interactive portion as mentioned before. I don't want to generalize the entirety of this program but if every other segment is like "Kidnapped", then I think I'll pass on "The Fifth Estate". 

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